So you have had your performance evaluation and you did a great job…but you didn’t get the raise you were expecting, or you got the raise but it doesn’t add up to what you made before.  Here is what you can do about it:

1) Find out who the decisionmaker is.  Is it HR, or your immediate supervisor or the next higher up, or the Board.
2) Talk to HR about their compensation system: how does it work; what are the bands of salary; how often do people get evaluated.  Then talk to trusted colleagues about the reality – how often do they get raises and what percentages?
3) Research salary range for your job with your years of experience in your city.  Use glassdoor; and
4) Ask for a meeting with the decision maker.  Be prepared with your research findings and your accomplishments.  Say based upon your work accomplishments of the past year and the market value of your job you are making X and think you should be making Y.
5) If a raise is definitely out of the question, then negotiate other benefits: vacation days; paid professional development or training; working from home one day a week; bonus; title change.
You have to decide whether this company and this job is the right place for you at this stage in your career.  If it is, and you can see growth, then stay. If not, then start your job search while you are still working.
(c) 2018 Amy Geffen All rights reserved